Sunday, March 27, 2011

Who motivates me...

“Youth (Student)”
My motivation to be a future teacher is that our future is in the hands of our youth today.  The better they are educated - the better they will be prepared to take on the challenges that they will face. I want my students to enjoy school and know that learning is enjoyable. I want them to know that it is going to be tough at times and that I am going to be hard on them at times but that I still love them despite all their faults and whether they are the best student in the class or whether their best is a C-. I want to see the light bulbs come on in my students' heads. There is nothing more satisfying than watching a student struggle and then to suddenly see their face light up with understanding. That is what motivates me.
I am also motivated to show my future students that learning is a lifelong process.  I will continue to read about new ideas and discover new things, and am excited to share this with my future students to be.  To see if they will be excitement on their faces when they realize that everyone, young and old, loves and appreciates knowledge that is amazing.
              What motivates me to be the best teacher I can be is my family. I am married and a mother and I have been involved in the school as a parent first and foremost since my eight (8) year old daughter started pre-school. I think that as a parent has to be involved in their children's education. I am a student also and I feel a great responsibility of the children today falls on the teacher. I also want their parents to know that I am always there for them to do what I can to help their child succeed. I do not look at what I do as a job I look at it as a passion to make a difference in a child's life. I want them to know if they truly believe in what they are doing that it can happen. It takes hard work and determination on their part and I am there to help them meet their goal.

“Former Teachers”
What motivate me are my former teachers.... not a single one stands out in a positive way.  My relationships with my teachers as I grew up also are a large influence on why I chose to become a teacher. They weren't all bad, just nothing outstanding. I had teachers who were wonderful and teachers who made my year hell. I did think when I have a high school biology teacher that made the impact on me. This teacher was the sole reason I became a teacher.  I am motivated to be the best teacher I can be for students because of the teachers that I had.  They motivated me in so many ways.  I have such great memories of many of my teachers and what they did for me. They wrote me notes; they gave me words of encouragement and challenge and made me a better person.  I want to be that kind of teacher for my students - the best that I can be for them. If I could keep a person like this from infiltrating the education system, then I would be happy.  
If a teacher had pre-determined my life because of what I had come out of, where would I be? I want to be that teacher that makes a positive difference in the life of a child. Giving a student confidence and pushing them to do their best and seeing their own success is what makes me want to give my best everyday to my students.
What motivate me to be the best teacher I can be in the future are my experiences as I was growing up. That said I am motivated by helping others. I like the feeling I get by knowing that I encourage others to make good choices in life by giving my experience as a sample to them. I like seeing others successful in their life in the future. When people are not successful I want to show them that they can be successful in life and then help them with the baby steps it takes to make it to the top of the mountain that they set for themselves. Sometimes it is about painting pictures in their head. Then they want what they see and maybe they see what they have never even dreamed about before. It is about painting their future one stroke at a time even if the picture changes while they are painting it.  Students need to learn that their future ultimately is in their hands. Every closed door is an opportunity for something new. 

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